Archive for May 29th, 2014
Stargate will get feature film reboot with Devlin and Emmerich
by Doc on May.29, 2014, under Movies
It’s been a long time in the works, but Stargate will finally get a reboot, with original creators Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich returning to take the reins.
Devlin and Emmerich have always wanted to finish the story they started in the original Stargate movie, with ideas for two more movies. But MGM, who owned the rights, eventually decided on a different direction, instead opting for a TV series that didn’t involve either Devlin or Emmerich, which bloomed into a successful franchise.
Most recently Emmerich spoke of the idea of rebooting it altogether, with the plan to do all three movies with new actors given how much time has passed since the original. Now that appears to be the plan, with the announcement that MGM and Warner Bros. will team up to create whole new re-imagined trilogy, with Devlin and Emmerich back in charge.