U.S. bill to adopt Shire Reckoning calendar
by Doc on Apr.01, 2006, under Fun Stuff
Eldandil writes: “Bipartisan U.S. House Bill H.2319, co-authored by Bob Gammidge (D-Florida) and Tolman Cotton (R-Montana), proposes to completely revise the annual calendar with one called the “Shire Reckoning”. According to Cotton, “The current calendar is over 2000 years old [Ed: not really], and the numbering is of a religious nature. We wanted to adopt something not radically different than what we are used to, but also introduce special holidays that everyone could enjoy and not have to work twice a year.” The proposed numbering scheme would start year 0 this time, to avoid further millenium confusion, which would correspond with what is now 1954, making today 10 Astron 52.” Alassea Astron-auk.