Sci-Fi Storm

Archive for September, 2010

Caprica sneak peeks

by on Sep.30, 2010, under Television

Can’t wait for the return of Caprica in a couple weeks? At least it isn’t next year instead – but in the meantime, here are a couple sneak peeks to whet your appetite.
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Star Wars 3D theatrical releases will start in 2012

by on Sep.29, 2010, under Movies

Star Wars is getting the 3D treatment. George Lucas is going to oversee the process, with Lucasfilm using some higher-end conversion houses to accomplish the task. The movies will also be released in chronological order, starting with The Phantom Menace, in 2012 and then in roughly annual installments. After that, the install base for in-home 3D may be ripe for a 3D Blu-ray release, just to make us buy them all again

Update 9/30: Fan response has been, well, less than stellar

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Stargate Universe returns Tuesday

by on Sep.27, 2010, under Television

Just a reminder that Stargate Universe returns on its new night Tuesday (tomorrow) at 9pm ET on SyFy. Catch a preview below:

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Hobbit now facing union troubles

by on Sep.27, 2010, under Movies

What should be a slam-dunk movie just can’t catch a break. With all of the MGM woes preventing a green light, now an Australian actor’s union with a unit in New Zealand is attempting to “do damage” according to producer/director Peter Jackson, saying the terms for the actors are below standard, and other large actor’s unions (including SAG and AFTRA) are supporting them by issuing alerts warning their memberships not to accept work on the film. What may be at issue is whether it is legal for the studio to actually negotiate with them, given the tangled web of labour laws in New Zealand.

Update 9/28: Studios are now chiming in with support for Jackson.

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Dushku, Glau to guest in other shows

by on Sep.24, 2010, under Television

Two of the “hot girls of the Whedonverse”, Eliza Dushku and Summer Glau, will each have a guest spot on two popular broadcast network shows. Dushku, who last week could be briefly spotted watching boyfriend Rick Fox dancing on Dancing With The Stars, will appear in an episode of Big Bang Theory, playing an FBI agent interviewing the gang so Wolowitz can get a security clearance – I’m wondering if we’ll see Eliza show her skills after an inappropriate comment from him. Then Glau, who already did a guest stint on BBT will turn up on Chuck as one of a series of rotating undercover agents manning the Buy More, specifically in the 8th episode. Fret not one the one shot for Glau though – she’ll be appearing in the mid-season NBC series The Cape.

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Harlan Ellison dying?

by on Sep.23, 2010, under Books, Conventions

Harlan Ellison, in a phone interview The Daily Page, says he is dying. His health has been recently failing and there was some question as to whether he’d participate in person at MadCon 2010 (which kicks off tomorrow), where he is the Guest of Honor. “The truth of what’s going on here is that I’m dying,” he said. “An old dog senses when it’s his time — dogs have that capacity; nobody doubts that. Nobody. But everybody doubts when you say, ‘I’m dying.’ They think you’re being a Victorian actress. They think you’re doing Bernhardt.” He WILL be at MadCon, however (and it is planned to be his last con), and will answer all questions – except perhaps whether he really threw a fan down an elevator shaft…

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Want a free Being Human: Season 2 Blu-ray set?

by on Sep.23, 2010, under Television, Video/DVD

Interested in a free Blu-ray disc set of [asin=B003WEAW2M]Being Human: Season 2[/asin] (released last Tuesday)? I will send it to you – on the condition that you review it for us as soon as possible. If you think you can do a good review and have a Blu-ray player, make sure you register on this site, follow us on Twitter (@scifistorm), and then send email to storm AT with your username and your mailing address, and why you’d be good at reviewing. Note: you must be in the U.S. (can’t deal with exports and am not sure of rules sending the Canada in this case). I might be able to get you more things to review in the future as well…

By the way, follow us on Twitter anyways to get the headlines and links to the articles! Get your SF friends to follow as well! I will probably work on a Facebook page shortly as well, as I may have some new content that could make use of that shortly…

Update: No takers? I know it isn’t in the genre I normally cover…

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Get caught up with a Re-Cap(rica)

by on Sep.22, 2010, under Television

Need to get caught up with Caprica before the second half of the season begins? Liked the fun Battlestar Galactica recap videos like “What the frak?” Well then, catch up with “Re-Cap(rica)”:

[hana-flv-player video=’/extras/ReCaprica_1NMA_Full.flv’ width=640 height=360 /]

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New live-action Yamato trailer

by on Sep.21, 2010, under Movies

I should have posted this yesterday – here is a new trailer for that live-action Space Battleship Yamato movie we mentioned in January. Some of the scenes are direct live-action takes from the original anime – even how they zoom in. I feel like a kid again…

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THX 1138 Blu-ray mini-review

by on Sep.20, 2010, under Movies, Video/DVD

The sixth of the Blu-ray releases that comprised Warner Bros. Sept. 7th release date is [sfs=1061]THX 1138[/sfs], George Lucas’ original SF film based on his USC student short film.
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