Sci-Fi Storm

Eve Myles: Torchwood could come back as a movie

by on Jan.30, 2012, under Television

We haven’t been hearing much about Torchwood since the conclusion of Torchwood: Miracle Day (other than John Barrowman always saying how much he’d like to play Captain Jack again) – oh, and that thing about Torchwood coming back this month? Poppycock, apparently – but in a recent interview with Cult Box, Eve Myles says that “As far as I know at the moment, everything’s still very much on hold. Russell [T Davies] has things happening in his personal life,” and she, like John, would jump at the chance to do more. But she’s certain that nothing will happen in 2012, “But who knows what will happen in 2013. Maybe a movie, to kinda draw a line under it.”

“That’s the thing about Torchwood, every series we’ve changed our format. We’ve always had a gap in between, so fingers crossed, because we’ve got such an outstanding loyal fan base. They deserve Torchwood to go ahead with something else to draw a line under it, for the fans to have a bit of closure.”

Doesn’t mean anything really at this point, as it’s all up to Davies and the studio, and someone to pay for it. But there is still hope.


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