Sci-Fi Storm

Doctor Who episode leaked on Internet

by on Mar.07, 2005, under Television

BBC News is reporting that an episode of the upcoming revival of Doctor Who has been leaked out on the Internet. The episode titled “Rose” (the name of the Doctor’s new campanion, played by former pop star Billie Piper) hit the Internet three weeks before the show makes its debut on BBC1. It is unsure if this is the final version, or how it got out. Still no word about the show in the States.

3 Comments for this entry

  • Anonymous Coward

    found it online…

    if you are interested… you can find it by search for “who rose” on emule. found a copy of the torrent on there too, if you want to go that route (though it seems sort of silly to do so).

  • Improbus

    Downloaded it last night

    I must say the new Doctor Who looks quite promising. I’ll watch it if the BBC is smart enough to put it on BBC America. Otherwise, I guess I will just have to download it.

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